Could Spiritual Direction be the next step on your journey?

Navigating the interior life can be challenging. A Spiritual Director is a sacred witness to your unfolding story—a companion who listens deeply without judgment while asking good questions to help illuminate the way forward.


My Background & Training


My spiritual roots are of the Christian tradition, although I no longer claim affiliation with any organized religious community. The term I prefer to use to describe myself is “spiritually independent” and my personal theology draws from a variety of faith and wisdom traditions.

I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Liberal Studies, with an emphasis in psychology and sociology from Middle Tennessee State University and I completed two-year certificate programs in both Spiritual Direction and Dreamwork from the Haden Institute. My training is deeply rooted in Jungian psychology and mystical Christian tradition. I am also a trained SoulCollage® Facilitator.

I also have specialized training in and experience with the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs Typology, 12-step recovery, and a variety of creative modalities employed for the purposes of self-discovery and personal transformation.

To learn more about my personal journey, read My Story.

What to Expect


A Spiritual Director is a companion who serves as a compassionate, non-judgmental witness to the unfolding of the individual’s spiritual journey. My role is to offer a safe and flexible container for the seeker to explore their whole self in relationship to the Divine. As you share your sacred stories, your dreams, and your deep questions, we listen together for the movement of Spirit and discern where the Divine may be leading.

I believe the Divine most often speaks in images and metaphor and find that dreamwork, poetry, and a variety of intuitive creative practices such as SoulCollage® can be useful tools to aid our listening. If any of these modalities are of interest to you, we can discern together how best to incorporate them into our sessions.

How I work…

For me, Spiritual Direction is a sacred calling and I take great care to ensure that I only receive a limited number of Directees. It is important that I have the time, energy, and spaciousness to be fully present for each individual while in session and prayerfully hold space for them in the time between.


01 — Free 1 Hour Discovery Session

Are you unsure if Spiritual Direction is right for you? I am pleased to offer a limited number of free 1-hour Discovery sessions each month via Zoom. There may be a waiting list as I have only a limited number of sessions I am able to offer each month, depending on how many active Directees I am working with. If the wait is too long, you may also wish to search the Spiritual Directors International website to find a spiritual companion near you.

Contact me if you are curious…

02 — Pay As You Go/Pay What You Can

Typically, we meet once a month for an hour. I strongly believe that Spiritual Direction should be accessible to all, regardless of their ability to pay so I offer three different rates: $25, $50, or $75 an hour. You choose according to what is reasonable for your budget. Those who are able to pay the higher rate make it possible for those who need to pay less to receive the gifts Spiritual Direction has to offer.

Contact me if you are ready…

03 — Multi-Session Discounts

Established Directees who are ready to commit to a number of sessions, can pay in advance and receive discounted pricing based on the number of sessions and the chosen hourly rate. I recommend considering multi-session discounts after three or four paid sessions to be sure you are ready for a longer-term commitment.

"To receive spiritual direction is to recognize that God does not solve our problems or answer all our questions, but leads us closer to the mystery of our existence where all questions cease." Henri Nouwen

Experience Spiritual Direction