Are you on a journey of self-discovery, yet the destination feels uncertain?

You are not alone. You are not lost. What you seek is seeking you… Let’s talk.

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Could Spiritual Direction Help?

“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent.” John O’Donohue

There are times during our spiritual journeys when it is helpful to have someone walk alongside us. This is especially true when we are experiencing a spiritual awakening, which can be accompanied by great fear and uncertainty as we begin to question our beliefs, our worldviews, and even our very identities. There may be periods of loneliness and isolation as friends and family may not be able to understand or appreciate the changes they see in us. Spiritual Directors provide companionship as you process, and a safe non-judgmental witness to all that arises while helping you watch for the movement of Spirit, and listen for the whisperings of your Soul. A Spiritual Director acts as a mirror, reflecting back your stories, and in so doing, helps you remember who you were created to be.

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Connection is Key.

“True belonging doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.” Brene Brown

Reclaiming our authenticity can threaten our sense of belonging. As we drop our masks and face the world as our true selves, we may experience rejection or a disappointing lack of appreciation from those we care most about. Being part of a supportive community that is mutually committed to deep inner work, can restore in us a sense of belonging while providing encouragement, and inspiration. Dreamwork is a powerful tool for self-discovery as the dream invites us to explore the unconscious, often shadowed, aspects of self that come up as we do our inner work. Working with our dreams in small groups can help us foster meaningful connections with others who have the potential to become lifelong soul friends. From within the safe container a Dream Circle offers, we quickly find that listening to others’ dreams can be just as enlightening as what comes up when we share our own.

Experience Spiritual Direction for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.